About Me

Hi! I’m Kelby and 33 year’s old. I love to explore and try new things. I like the smell of fresh cut grass, I’m obsessed with shoes, I adore a good glass of wine, and I prefer cupcakes over cake. I have two adorable black labs who are from the same litter, three senior cats, and I’ve been married to my husband, who is originally from Jolly O’ England for more than 10 years.

I’ve been practicing yoga since I was 16 when I was first diagnosed with a form of arthritis called ankylosing spondylitis. Ever since my doctor told me that I should never stop moving since it would freeze my ribs in place and therefore make it difficult to breathe, I took it to heart and haven’t stopped ever since! I’m also on a biologic medication called Remicade and have been for the last 16 years…straight!

Also, I’ve been running for four years; okay on and off due to injuries. Thanks to the significant influence of my husband, I’ve slowly cleaned up my diet to extend the longevity of my Remicade.

After suffering through yet another injury and spending more than 16 weeks in Physical Therapy in 2016, I decided to compliment my cardio training with more strength training. I joined ToneItUp.com as an official member, which only pushed my clean diet to the best it’s ever been, forced me to make strength training a priority, and couldn’t recommend it any more.

I started this blog in 2009 to prove to myself that I can do almost anything in spite of having arthritis. I never knew it would result in friendships, connections, and a sense of community that I hold dear to my heart. If you are reading this, welcome and I look forward to connecting!


PeachyPains is provided for general informational purposes only and represents my personal experiences. The opinions expressed here are mine and not those of any advertiser, company, affiliate or group. I do my best to provide accurate information, but please understand that I am not a medical doctor or expert in the field. Please do not consider my opinions as substitutes for sound professional or medical advice.
PeachyPains is also a for-profit lifestyle blog which frequently features product, food, and service reviews, as well as sponsored posts, event coverage, giveaways, and other collaborations. All product(s) are purchased by me unless otherwise indicated with c/o, sponsored by, or courtesy of. Various affiliate links are used for monetization throughout the blog. Thanks for supporting those who support PeachyPains.com.

2 thoughts on “About Me

  1. I just got chills – you decided to Stand Tall and let us all see the amazing woman behind Peachy Pains! I’m so proud of you K-Peach your stories and courage will inspire and help so many.


    Love and a big huge hug!



  2. Hey Peachey/–Its Liz Hall aka @painspeaks on Twitter. Finally getting around to networking with you. There was a bit of a learning curve. LOL Your button is on my blog and your also listed in my favorite blogs on my blog, plus I sent you a friend request on FB, and I follow you on Twitter. Love to be included on your favorite blog list plus wondering if you would add my button to your blog? So glad to get to know you better, my sweet friend!! Hugs to you, Pain Sister!! Liz xoxo


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