Kitty Snuggles & New Blog Layout!

I’m here. I really am!!

Mr. P however was in Denver this past week which left me alone with three black labs. Although we coped pretty well, it took a few days to get into the swing of things. I had one dog who refused to go to the bathroom…for three days!! THREE DAYS!! Good grief. I had another one who couldn’t stop going and most of the time I was cleaning his crate. SO frustrating when all I wanted to do was have a glass of wine. He stopped me from having wine!! Then the third dog…he couldn’t stop eating everything in sight. Including a cigarette wrapper and gum. GUM! All I can say is that I appreciate even more what Mr. P does for our little family. But I’m so ready to get back into our “normal” routine.

Not only does Mr. P get back this evening, he’s bringing Mars home. I can’t wait to snuggle with a kitty.

Mars.pngThe other two will come home probably in December when Chris returns, but I’m excited to welcome home Mars. KITTY SNUGGLES!!!


Although I haven’t post anything for a week, I’ve been busy with this blog. I finally had the courage to update the theme! I’m still getting used to it but I really like the clean, crisp look. Let me know what you think?

I also updated the “About” Page. Previously it mentioned that I was 27. Definitely not true and hasn’t been true for 2 years. YIKES! It was definitely time for an update.

I’m currently working on an “Arthritis” Page where it will link up to all of arthritis story blog posts I created over the last several years. This Page is taking longer to sift through since I didn’t categorize them as well as I thought I had. But it’s coming!

I’ve also been busy putting things away in our house. I can’t wait to show Mr. P how organized the dinning room is, how clean the “Great Room” is, and to show him his clothes…in his closet! Our bedroom actually doesn’t contain a single box. I’m so pleased and yet so exhausted! Next up, the guest bedroom and pictures. We must hang pictures.

I can’t believe Thanksgiving is around the corner and then Christmas. My favorite time of year!! I need to start thinking about gifts, especially since I’m going to have to ship things this year. But first, I need to find my local post office. HA HA!

Are you busy getting ready for the holidays? Do you appreciate family members more when they leave? Aren’t kitty snuggles THE BEST?!

Stamp, Stamp, Stamp, Stamping Away – A DIY

I just adore this time of year, don’t you? All the bright lights, hot cocoa, colorful presents, and of course, holiday cards!!

I love, love, love making holiday cards. It’s so easy, pretty cost effective, and truly meaningful. A painless, arthritis friendly version of holiday cards is through stamp and ink pads. So, today, I’m going to show you how to add a little craft into your life through the world of stamping! 🙂


Here’s what you will need:

Here’s how to make it:

Pick your favorite stamp pad and place it firmly on your ink pad, making sure you cover the entire surface area with ink.

Take your newly inked stamp and position it onto the paper. Press firmly on all sides of the stamp. DO NOT let the stamp slide – it will smudge the image!

Next, lift the stamp STRAIGHT UP and off of the paper. By doing this, it will ensure your stamped image has transferred without smearing.

Let it dry.

Now, onto the fun part:

Color away! Pick your favorite coloring tool and color in between the lines. I personally like gel pens because they glide easily and make the image pop, but colored pencils work well too. (By the way – Mr. P colored these!!!!)

Now, onto assembly:

Pick your favorite paper, embellishment, and ribbon. Next, start layering them until you like the look. Glue them together and TA DA  – you have a finished card!

Want another idea? Use the same set of stamps to make personalized tags! Repeat the same technique above, but instead of layering just punch a hole about half an inch above the image, string it with your favorite ribbon, and tie a bow. So simple, yet so personable.

What do you think? Are you going to give Stamps a try?

Much Love,