Wedding Survival Kit for Brides (with free printable)

Two weeks ago I mentioned I was in a wedding. Ya, I was a bridesmaid. Well, I’m married, so really a brides-matron. Wow, does that sound old! Anyway, as a bridesmaid you have a responsibility on the day-of. You must make the bride as happy as possible, make her beautiful as possible, and of course be prepared as much as possible.

After my own wedding, I realized how important a survival kit is to the bride. So, since my wedding 5 years ago, I give the gift of a Wedding Survival Kit. The point of this kit is to supplement the actual wedding day bag that the bride might pack for the day-of. I like to include things she might forget on the day-of. You too can create this kit!

Just print out the Bridal Survival Kit label provided below on paper/card stock, cut it out, and glue it to the front of a gift bag. I like using a gift bag with a wedding theme to give it that little extra touch.

For the tag, cut it out, write your bride’s name on it. Use a hole punch to punch a hole in the top and attach it to one of the gift bag handles with your favorite ribbon. I like to use the same ribbon color that the bride is using in her wedding!

Now, its time to fill it up! I like to go through the travel section of a grocery store to find the necessities. Here are some ideas for things to include in the kit:

1) Deodorant. It doesn’t have to be the same brand as the bride uses because if she forgets, I doubt she will care (unless she’s sensitive). Who would want to smell on their wedding day anyway?

2) Emergency first-aid kit. Includes antiseptic wipes, butterfly closures, gauze pads, and adhesive bandages. Because you never know when a blister might ruin those cute shoes!

3) Hairspray. A last minute hair-spray touch up is essential right before she walks down the aisle!

4) Snacks. Health and not so healthy snacks to keep the energy up. All the brides I have accompanied never eat before they walk down the aisle, but believe me, her guests didn’t come to see a passed out bride. So I like to include granola bars and Hershey’s chocolate kisses.

5) Lifesaver mints. These are my favorite but any will do. I like these because they’re white – just perfect in case of any accidents, contain enough sugar but wont cause a sugar high. I don’t like to use gum just because you have to remind her to ditch it right before she has her debut!

6) Bobby pins and clips. This is one of my favorite things to give away because I usually use an old pill bottle case to carry the bobby pins and clips. The pill bottle case I’m showing is the 1-Clic vial from Rexam and is an Arthritis Foundation’s Ease-of-Use Commendation product!* I love this bottle (and keep all of mine!) because the closure can be used in a child-resistant or non-child-resistant position! Next time you order medication, ask your pharmacist to fill your next prescription in a 1-Clic vial from Rexam.

7) Personal care items. This would include chap stick & lip gloss (umm, “you may kiss the bride”), shout wipes (incase of spills), a mini sewing kit (it’s actually come in handy for groomsmen!), baby wipes and/or Purell, and a lint roller.

Click HERE to download and print the labels to make your own Wedding Survival Kit. The large label is approximately 7”x7.767” and the tag labels are approximately 2”x2.19”

If you decide to make this gift, please send me pictures! I’d love to see what you’ve done with it! What would you add to your Wedding Survival Kit if you made one?

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Much Love,

*I’ve talked about it before, but in case you don’t remember, it’s a program which recognizes products proven to make life easier for people who have arthritis and other physical limitations. These products are independently tested by experts and evaluated by people with arthritis. I have been asked to review a number of Ease-of-Use products.

When two worlds collide in the kitchen

I’ve never been one to get excited about kitchen appliances. I mean, what use do I have in the kitchen??? Especially after my failed experiments on a weekly kitchen challenge and my failed attempts at actually cooking. And yet, I have this insistent addiction with Pinterest and my Recipes I’d Like to Try board. GOOD GRIEF!! Someone, please, call the Pinterest Police. I will never, ever, get to all the things on my Pinterest Boards, and yet its so addicting.

Regardless, having family in town from England has been a real treat. Almost all of my meals have been fresh, homemade, and full of vegetables. Oh ya, and meat. Good meat too. The kind of meat that you would NEVER, EVER pay full price, but when you find it on clearance you bulk load and then store in the freezer for one of those “inspiring days” that you might actually cook something. Maybe? Well, that happens in our house a lot! However, Mr. P and I usually get the inspiration about 2 hours before we actually want to eat, but the meat, of cousre, is still frozen. C’est la vie.

However, not the case with my England family in town. They’re the true experts in thinking ahead. Especially as my Nan-in-law can’t eat anything dairy, my Mum and Sister-in-Law are both vegetarians, and then you’ve got me – I don’t eat night shade vegetables (tomato, potato, eggplant, and peppers). Needless to say, it takes some thought and preparation to think ahead, but they’ve got it down to a fine art. A FINE TASTY ART!

So, what better way to introduce two products I received from the Arthritis Foundation in which I’ve been asked to test and review to my in-laws who actually cook! Now, if you don’t remember, these products are in part of the Arthritis Foundation’s Ease-of-Use Commendation program which recognizes products proven to make life easier for people who have arthritis and other physical limitations. These products are independently tested by experts and evaluated by people with arthritis. I have been asked to review a number of Ease-of-Use products.

Now, I don’t know if you’ve ever merged families before, or if you have, merged international families. You realize very quickly that everything you’ve become accustomed too you’ve taken for granted. For example: last week the entire family went grocery shopping – to FOUR different grocery stores and spent over 6 hours shopping. Now, I hate grocery shopping, so I was really lucky that this happened when I was at work. However, it took as long as it did because they weren’t familiar with the products. They had to look at every single product, associate it with a product similar in England, read the ingredients, and then look at the comparable products. AND REPEAT!

I’m exhausted just talking about it.

Anyway, after the shopping was done it was time for the tutorial of the basement kitchen. Like where the mugs live (DO NOT GET IN THE WAY BETWEEN AN ENGLISH PERSON AND THEIR TEA!!), the pots, pans, knives, plates, and the dishwasher tablets. See? Something you don’t think about everyday, but it happens.

Nevertheless, I showed the family my two favorite appliances in the kitchen. Again, remember how I don’t possess the personality that gets excited about kitchen appliances? Well, these two – I DO!

First, the Tramontina All Generations 10″ Covered Sauté Pan – Porcelain Enamel Nonstick.

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this pan. If not only because its fairly light weight – easy on my wrists, but because it has a helper handle!! Never in my life would I think I would need one of those, especially as I don’t have arthritis in my wrists, but this thing is just pure genius.

Not only can I lift this pot filled with food, I can lift with ease directly from the stove to the sink or table. I can do so with confidence knowing I’m not going to spill on the kitchen floor (typically happens!) or on someone (yikes).

Let’s not just talk about the serving part. Let’s talk about the CLEANING PART! I hate cleaning. I hate dishes. However, in my household I have two policies – if the chef cooks, others clean OR the chef may clean as she/he cooks (especially when baking). So, since I’m the one who has to clean, it better be as easy as possible. AND IT IS!! The nonstick enamel is the best I’ve seen. It doesn’t rub off, doesn’t affect the taste, AND its dishwasher friendly. Hollar!

However, Nan’s one complaint about it is that the soft-grip black silicone grip on the lid gets very hot. She almost always burns herself on it, so an oven mitt is required.

But that doesn’t stop Nan loving this pot. Its the first one she uses when she cooks. THATS SAYING A LOT!! That’s at least 55 years worth of experience right there people. Better than what I could ever say to give this worthy appliance a review.

Now, let’s talk about my other favorite. Probably my TOP favorite. Why? Well, with all of the fires happening in Colorado, Mr. P and I talk about our fire escape. Of course, I insist that this appliance is entitled to escape the fire as much as us. Seriously.

What is it? DuoGlide Sweep Chef’s Knife.

I’d marry this knife. IT CUTS THROUGH ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING. It cuts through pineapple like its butter. It cuts through hard bread without leaving all those crumbs everywhere and without destroying your piece of  bread! It even cuts through meat. It chops, it cuts, and it slices.

Now, not sure about you, but the knife looked really intimidating to me. I was really afraid to use it because it’s 8 inches long, with a huge handle, and just damn sharp. However, the ultra-soft handle is AMAZING. It positions your hand and wrist in exactly the right way to make cutting, chopping and slicing just perfect! Great control and minimal effort. If my little kid-like hands can use it, I can only imagine what normal adult-like hands would be able to do with this knife.

This knife is one of those appliances where you get really upset that its in the dishwasher being cleaned. That’s seriously the only negative I have.

So, what does Nan have to say? “If you can get me one of those, I’ll take that back to England.”

There you have it ladies and gentlemen. My two favorite kitchen appliances and one of them I’d save from weather catastrophes.

Much Love,

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