
Last Saturday I went to one of the most marvelous events since I’ve been to Boston. The Blog Better Boston is an event I wanted to go to since read  about it on Amy’s blog, about a year ago. I was in Denver and thought “Man, I really wish there was something like this in Denver.”

TA DA! I’m no longer in Denver, I’m now in Boston! YAY!! However, I was extremely nervous to go. After all I had a horrible dream the night before that I was 2 hours late and that I missed out on all of the fun.

Have no fear! I didn’t miss out one minute and actually arrived early. Hosted at The Boston Globe, registration was about 45 minutes which left ample amount of time to mingle with the sponsors. I came away with a bushel amount of stuff, and I’ll talk more about that later this week (to keep this post short- ha!), but I loved that one of the sponsors – Lulu*s – hosted a Style Scavenger Hunt.

At first I thought it was a little weird – going up to strangers and asking them if I could take a picture of them, but actually it was a lot of fun and a really neat way of meeting new people. It really broke the ice and that uncomfortable awkwardness that I seem to be REALLY GOOD AT.

You see, Lulu’s passed out these cards with a list of spring trends on them. We had to “hunt” for at least 6 of the 13 spring styles worn within the crowd, ask their name and the name of their blog. Then we had to take at least 3 pictures of the style and Instagram it with a tag line.

BlogI met Emily at So Anthro, Kelsey at Caffeinated Denim, Kenze at Cave Girl in the City, and Tara Style Flattery. These ladies were so beautiful inside and out; thank you for allowing me to take your picture!

I guess it was a good thing I wore floral – it was one of the trends! 😉 Photo credit thanks to the handy work of David H. Brooks Photography:


Now, once you finished the hunt, you turned in your card and got to spin this giant wheel – like Wheel of Fortune. Depending on what it stopped on, you got to pick and keep that item. Mine stopped on jewelry. I LOVE JEWELRY!! I probably could go an entire year without re-wearing a piece, but I’m trying to wear watches and often. Such a timeless, classic piece, that says so much. I picked this gorgeous piece.

Thanks Lulu*s!

The education part of the summit was ECSTATIC! I learned a lot about the basics of digital photography, which was nice because I’ve tried reading about it and it just didn’t click. I learned about content calendars, creating the best “How To” post, creating partnerships, simple design elements, and media kits. I came away pumped, excited, and ready to get started. This is the conversation I had with my husband about the event:

Ya, that’s right. I’m now a MONSTER!! GARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!

So, frantically, I’ve been trying to create a content calendar and media kit. Of course, I’m pretty stuck on how I want to approach this, but the ideas are flowing. I also realized that I definitely need to do a content calendar because going over a week without posting is so not cool. 20 blog posts in 4 months is definitely embarrassing, especially when my life is drastically changing! I want to capture this moment because some of my fondest memories are captured on this blog. I love reading my posts I did a year ago because I get to relive that moment all over again  I don’t want to lose it – the good and the bad. Even if I hate house hunting, hate being in a long distance relationship, and hate the fact I don’t have my car. I need to talk about it so I don’t lose that sight on how far I’ve come. “A little calamity. Now that’s worth talking about.”

I’ve been watching a lot of Grey’s Anatomy lately – well I’m pretty much caught up and I started with Season 1, episode 1. Wow, I need a life. Anyway, this quote from Season 5, Episode 4 – Brave New World, really resonated with me:

“We like to think we’re fearless, eager to explore unknown lands and soak up new experiences, but the fact is, we’re always terrified. Maybe the terror is part of the attraction. Some people go to horror movies. We cut things open. Dive into dark water. And at the end of the day, isn’t that what you’d rather hear about? If you’ve got one drink and one friend and 45 minutes. Slow rides make for boring stories. A little calamity. Now that’s worth talking about.”

I need put away my internet TV and find inspiration again. I’m so glad I conquered my fears, invested in myself and this blog, and met some amazing woman. I had a remarkable time since I’ve been to Boston and now I’m more eager than ever to get started. I’m so grateful to be part of the Boston Blogger community; truly the best. Thank you Amy and Alana for a truly beautiful event and experience!

Much Love,

Failure, Spring, & Other Things

Well, I had every intention to showcase my DIY that I did last weekend, but I totally over did it. I pulled the muscles in my right hand and arm!! I could barely hold a pen on Monday!! YIKES! Today, however, my arm and hand are feeling a lot better. I was freaking out that I did some damage to it!! Stupid spray paint!! Who knew DIY was so dangerous?

Oh, and my new electric screwdriver that I bought to help assist with the DIY,  doesn’t work. GRRR!! So, I have to return it and get a new one.

Anyway, the DIY has something to do with my famous shoes collection, seen in this picture 🙂

HA HA! So, stay tuned…

Now, instead of going silent I’m going to share. Think of it as Show and Tell! Let’s just go with it…

Spring has finally arrived in Boston.

I just love daffodils. They are just so happy, cute, and pretty. I love the yellow color. 🙂

And here’s a picture from my walk home. I love how the sky is so blue. I can’t wait to see leaves on the trees.

Oh, and I can’t wait for Saturday, April 27th!! Why? Because I’m going to Blog Better Boston!! YAY!!

I was extremely envious of this event last year when I read about it on  Amy’s blog – I’m Gonna Fly. I wished, hoped and searched for something similar in the Denver area and hit rock bottom. However, now that I’m in Boston, I am totally going!!

To say that I’ve geeked out would be an understatement! For example, I’ve planned out how I’m going to get there and now I can’t wait to pass out my cute blog business cards. I just hope my nerves don’t get the best of me and I that I find the courage to meet some fun bloggers whom I’ve been secretly following for awhile. Like Tieka at Selective Potential and Alison at Long Distance Loving.

Well, that was one of the most random blog posts I think I’ve done, but my life is just so random lately! Enough about me; what’s going on with you? Ever do a DIY project that you thought was simple and it just totally blew up in your face? I’d love to know. 🙂

Much Love,