Event Recap: Home for the Holidays

PeachyPains.com | Home for the Holidays IMG_0377

PeachyPains.com | Home for the Holidays



You might have noticed on Saturday that my Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram feeds blew up. Sorry I didn’t give you a heads up, but here’s a recap instead.

I went to another Boston Bloggers event. I had so much fun! It was a great mix of DIY crafts, food, wine, education, and socialization.

I got to hear Heather B. Armstrong of Dooce.com speak about her blog and her business. I’ve been following her since 2008, so it was surreal to actually be in the same room as her. I got to see some of my favorite local bloggers: Emily of Shell Chic’d, Georgina of Notes on Lifestyle, and Amanda of Prim and Propah. I also made some new blogger friends like Alana of Good Girl Gone Blog (who organized the Blog Better Boston event I attended 18 months ago!), Michelle of Weekend Craft, and Candace of Lucky Scarf (who just happens to live in my new hometown. *squeal*).

I learned a few tips about SEO (search engine optimization) which blew my mind. *BOOM* And as a crafty crafter, I have to admit, I’ve never, ever, made a Pennant Banner. EVER. So, I made my first one (see last pic above) and I think I’m obsessed with them. Okay, and I also got to make some gift tags, too. I used the question mark stencil to create “Secret Santa” gift tags on burlap fabric. Yes, you can steal that idea too. That’s what I’m hear for.

I also learned how to style a tabletop. Okay, okay…this may seem like a no-brainer for some most woman but this girl doesn’t have the “housewife” gene, so I really appreciated this session since Thanksgiving is right around the corner. I think the best piece of advice I received from Abby Larson of Style Me Pretty was to use items that are universal for each of the upcoming holidays. Oh and don’t be afraid to spray paint items – like leaves from your backyard. 🙂

Wayfair hosted the Boston Bloggers at their Boston Headquarters in the Copley Square Mall. Wayfair spoiled us with an amazing meal by KitchenSurfing and gave us each a special gift. I got a tangle photo display which I plan hanging my Christmas cards from. 🙂

I would like to thank Kate of DomestiKated Life and Ali of Long Distance Loving for their hard work planning, managing, and hosting us. I appreciate all they do to keep us inspired!

I know this was a pretty link-heavy post, but I highly encourage you to check out all of the blogs I shared. These woman, and companies, were truly the best part of the event. It’s why I will continue to go every time the opportunity presents itself.

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Apple Picking



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The thing to do in New England this time of year is to go apple picking. The only thing I can compare it to is my traditional family trip up to the Rocky Mountains in Colorado to see the changing aspen leaves. Well, now that I’m a New England-er, we HAD to go and I’m so glad we did. I absolutely loved picking a fresh apple off the tree, rubbing it clean on my jeans and taking a large bite. And when I was done, I had Mr. P kick the core like he does with our dogs’ Kong. Our favorite apples were the Red Rome. Sweet, crisp and when you bite into them they turn red.

And now, I have too many apples! Don’t get me wrong…they make a great snack because they are full of fiber, but they will rot if I don’t use them in other ways! I need to figure out how to make apple crisp, apple sauce, caramel apples, and I’d like to make some apple pies. OOOO! Maybe I could make some caramel apple cupcakes. Any excuse for cupcakes! Don’t mind me…I’ll just be in the kitchen for the next few weeks!

If you haven’t been apple picking this season Carlson Orchards in Harvard, MA still had plenty of apples. I mean, just look at that last photo! They also have a pumpkin patch and some tasty donuts, too. Not only is this a great idea to go with some great friends (which we did!) but also a great date idea. Just be sure to bring your wellies; the ground was squishy last Saturday and I think it will only get worse with all the rain we’re expecting this week.

Do you go apple picking? Or if you’re in Colorado, do you go see the aspen leaves? OR, could you help a girl out with some apple recipes? 🙂

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