Oh ya, date night…

It’s been a while since I’ve last updated you guys on date night. I’ve been continuing the tradition of completing a date night once a month with Mr. P. However, I haven’t continued the tradition of sharing. SHAME ON ME!! If you’ve missed the others, you can find them all listed on this fancy new page!

So, here’s a catch-up of January and February date nights.

January’s little note:

and the cute little heart:

and we didn’t do this date. HAHA HAHA HA! Something better came along!!

In early January, a local radio station hosted a contest on Facebook for a chance to win tickets to the theater. The contest, answer the question: What do you talk about around the dinner table? and I answered: We talk about our crazy dreams like going on a safari without any repelant or marrying Tim Tebow. Needless to say, I won.

What tickets did I win? Two tickets to go see a play called “Two Things you Don’t Talk about at Dinner”

Its’ about a lady named Myriam. She hosts an annual Passover Seder, has a multicultural mix of family and friends, and threatens to explode as politics and religion hijack the conversation, severely testing the ties that bind.

WHAT A FABULOUS PLAY. If its in your area, I highly recommend going. It was HILARIOUS!! HILARIOUS!!! 🙂

Mr. P and I love going to the theater and we wish we could go more often, but sometimes the tickets are out of our price range. However, it was a real treat to win tickets!!

If you’re in Denver, not only send me an email (hey, we’ll meet up!), but be sure to check out our fabulous theater choices!! If for any other reason, to see the art that’s displayed in the lobby.

Can you believe this art work is on the ceiling???

For February, I had my game face on…

and the cute little heart:

One of our favorite past times as a couple is to play board games!! Of course, for Christmas we bought some new games and they were still wrapped in cellophane. How dare we!!

So, we cracked open a bottle of wine (and this kind is my new favorite and I, of course, have to have it in my special wine glass!):

So, what kind of games do we like to play? Challenging, logical, intense, strategy games. We recently purchased Ticket to Ride: Europe and Pandemic. If you’re into some serious strategy games, these are definitely a must have!!

And of course, we played until our hearts were content. Exactly what we needed!!

Do you guys play games? Do you enjoy going to the theater? I’d love to know. 🙂

Much Love,

If you’re a newbie here, welcome!

Magnificent Lights

A Long, LONG, LONG, LONG, overdue post.

Remember those date night packages I did for Mr. P?? Remember December? Ya, that’s because I didn’t share. It has literally taken me since that date in December until now to get those photos off of his phone!!

Never fear! Here is what we did!!


the cute little heart looks like this:

We went to the Denver Botanic Gardens Trail of Lights!!! I got this idea from a Group – $10 for TWO!! Ya, that’s right a date night for $5 each. You can’t even go to the movies for that price.

So what is the Denver Botanic Gardens Trail of Lights? According to their website, picture this “With the foothills as a stunning backdrop, more than one million twinkling lights illuminate a winding path through the Colorado countryside.

Spread throughout Denver Botanic Gardens at Chatfield, Trail of Lights offers visitors a choice of paths; a shorter route takes visitors directly to the children’s play area, while an extended path allows visitors to explore the Green Farm Barn and silo before continuing onto the children’s area and 1880s homestead.”

AMAZING, right?

We were freezing and I had about 5 layers on and looked like the Michelin Man. The pictures are so horrible of us I’ll spare you. However, the pictures Mr. P captured on his phone… STUNNING!!

THIS WAS WITH HIS CELL PHONE!!! AMAZING DETAIL!! It just warmed my heart right up for the holidays. I swear that’s why we put lights up on our house – to avoid the dreaded feeling of dark, cold nights. So, my question is – do those in the Southern Hemisphere put up Christmas Lights?? A question to ponder, I guess…

Want more gorgeous photos?

and a few more…

We were absolutely stunned at the level of detail, work, and magnificent effort that went into creating this beautiful LED display. Yes, that’s right – environmentally & budget friendly too.

And we got to see it for 5 bucks.

Once we were completely memorized by the pretty lights, we went home and had a hot chocolate with extra marshmallows!! Picture perfect, fabulous date!

Now you know why I waited SO LONG to tell you about this date!!

Much Love,

If you’re a newbie here, welcome!

PS – Its official!!!!! I’ve surpassed 500 twitter followers and 100 posts on this little blog. Thank you so much for following me!! I’ll work on a tutorial to help us celebrate! 🙂