date night ideas with free printable!

Can you believe that February starts on Sunday? Which means Valentine’s day is quickly approaching and I want to help you! Several years ago I started a series called “Date Night” which started after creating a Date Night Package for Mr. P. It was so successful, I shared our stories here on this blog and we’ve continued it for years. Today, I want to provide you with an awesome free printable and 20 ideas to get you started on your Valentine’s day gift!

So, what is a Date Night Package? Well it’s creating pre-planned, (mostly) pre-paid date, once a month each labeled with a month of the year. I started this because I was sick of the question “What do you want to do tonight?” or “When are we going on a date?” and the answer always being “I don’t know”. I also got sick of Home Depot and pizza becoming our “thing”. I wanted more, so I put on my big girl pants and took charge. By creating a Date Night Package ensured Mr. P and I were getting out of the house to create some fabulous memories together.

Sound familiar? Welcome to the club. 😉

Now, I’ve made it super simple for you. Not only do you get each month labeled in a pretty font, I’m also providing 20 different date nights that correspond with a season. Here’s a peak: | Free Printable | Date Night Ideas | Free Printable | Date Night Ideas

This Valentine’s Day, let’s take care of one of the most important relationship of your life…your significant other. Don’t let it take a backseat…take charge. Girls, do yourself a favor and start this tradition now! Guys, if you’re reading this…surprise her all year long!

What are you waiting for?


If you have any issues downloading, try right clicking (command-click on a mac) on the download button and saving directly to your computer.

Each printable page is designed to print at 8.5 by 11 inches.

For best results, set your printer quality settings to “high”, print onto good quality, thick white card stock, and cut out with an x-acto knife with a ruler and a cutting board.


This printable is free for personal use only, not for commercial use. You can print as many as you like for yourself or as a gift to someone, but you are not allowed to sell these date night ideas or date night package in digital or print form, nor to distribute it in its original or in an altered form.

If you’d like to share some images of these date night ideas or date night package on Pinterest, social media, in a blog post… Well first, thank you so much! Please feel free to use some images, but please credit and link back to this page. Please do not distribute the free printable from your site and please do not link directly to the file- instead, please link back to this blog post or my Date Night Ideas Page. Thank you so much!

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Failure, Spring, & Other Things

Well, I had every intention to showcase my DIY that I did last weekend, but I totally over did it. I pulled the muscles in my right hand and arm!! I could barely hold a pen on Monday!! YIKES! Today, however, my arm and hand are feeling a lot better. I was freaking out that I did some damage to it!! Stupid spray paint!! Who knew DIY was so dangerous?

Oh, and my new electric screwdriver that I bought to help assist with the DIY,  doesn’t work. GRRR!! So, I have to return it and get a new one.

Anyway, the DIY has something to do with my famous shoes collection, seen in this picture 🙂

HA HA! So, stay tuned…

Now, instead of going silent I’m going to share. Think of it as Show and Tell! Let’s just go with it…

Spring has finally arrived in Boston.

I just love daffodils. They are just so happy, cute, and pretty. I love the yellow color. 🙂

And here’s a picture from my walk home. I love how the sky is so blue. I can’t wait to see leaves on the trees.

Oh, and I can’t wait for Saturday, April 27th!! Why? Because I’m going to Blog Better Boston!! YAY!!

I was extremely envious of this event last year when I read about it on  Amy’s blog – I’m Gonna Fly. I wished, hoped and searched for something similar in the Denver area and hit rock bottom. However, now that I’m in Boston, I am totally going!!

To say that I’ve geeked out would be an understatement! For example, I’ve planned out how I’m going to get there and now I can’t wait to pass out my cute blog business cards. I just hope my nerves don’t get the best of me and I that I find the courage to meet some fun bloggers whom I’ve been secretly following for awhile. Like Tieka at Selective Potential and Alison at Long Distance Loving.

Well, that was one of the most random blog posts I think I’ve done, but my life is just so random lately! Enough about me; what’s going on with you? Ever do a DIY project that you thought was simple and it just totally blew up in your face? I’d love to know. 🙂

Much Love,