Recovery | Mt. Greylock

Mt. Greylock, Arthritis, Travel, Hike

My recovery goal was to be on top of a mountain by the time my birthday rolled around. I didn’t care which one, but I wanted to hike. This required over the course of my recovery to rest early and often so I didn’t injure myself or worse, face a relapse. Per doctor’s orders, I was to limit my activity for 8 weeks, and I’m proud to say I followed it. Okay, to be honest, it’s all thanks to Mr. P reminding me! Every time I felt the urge to walk a little bit further or when the weather was perfect for a run, I held back and reminded myself of the quote, “Pay now so you don’t have to pay later”.

The recovery was difficult towards the end since I ended up with the flu. I was literally told by the doctor that if I didn’t get my flu shot, I would’ve ended up in the hospital. I think at the moment, he patted himself on the back, but I was grateful as well. The entire month of April was dedicated towards recovering from the flu, including my husband. It was rough, but we’re finally on the mend, well at least from that journey!

As soon as the 8 weeks were up, I saw a physical therapist twice a week and worked on my exercises at home. I walked every day and started to run, albeit very slow, twice a week. I took this time even more serious than I did the 8 weeks of absolute pure rest because I knew this was a critical step back into my active lifestyle.

So, was I able to make it on the hike?

Yes, yes I did! After approval from the doctor and tips from my Physical Therapist, I hiked Mt Greylock, the tallest mountain in Massachusetts at 3,489 feet and 17 out of 50 tallest in New England. It’s peak located in the northwest corner of the state in the town of Adams in Berkshire County. It’s known for its expansive views of encompassing five states and a seasonal automobile road climbs to the summit, where stands the iconic 93-foot-high lighthouse-like Massachusetts Veterans War Memorial Tower.

Mt. Greylock, Arthritis, Travel, Hike

And recently, J. K. Rowling released a new story telling the origins of a magic school set on top of Mt. Greylock. The short story, released on Pottermore, details the history of the Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardy, founded in the 17th century, which is part of the North American school of magic. I strongly feel that all those who have chronic illness are magicians. We make it looks easy to those who are healthy and therefore, those who are healthy are the muggles.  I mean how else do you explain the air I caught in this picture? I’m flying!

Mt. Greylock, Arthritis, Travel, Hike

The days post-hike I had to recover like a mad woman. I was extremely exhausted and not sure if hiking was the best idea. However, as the days passed by, I felt better and better. I continued with walking and supplementing running when I could. Having a goal at the end of my recovery was the true motivation I needed to stay on track during recovery and keep going.

Next goal? A 5 mile race 6 weeks later!


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The Minuteman Trail

Just over a week ago, a friend and I went on a walk. To be exact, we walked The Minuteman Trail. With my pedometer, backpack full of necessities (ankle brace, Tylenol, eye drops – what can I say, I’m prepared for any arthritis issue!), and my water bottle, we took off.


Now this is a fixer-upper! HA! 😉

IMG_3985The Minuteman Trail is where the American Revolution started. In 1775, discontent was brewing in the American colony under the British rule. On April 19 of that year, British General Gage ordered an expedition to confiscate weapons hidden by the local militia, the “Minutemen”, under the command of Samuel Adams and John Hancock. Paul Revere completed his famous “midnight ride” on this trail to warn the patriots in Lexington, carrying word of the British troops’ departure from Boston and imminent arrival.

When the British arrived in the area the militiamen were ready. The first shot of the Revolution was fired on the Lexington green. In the ensuing confusion, eight revolutionaries were killed. By the time the British reached Concord to carry out their search mission, patriots in the area where ready to harass them. From that moment, British troops and patriots exchanged fire all along this road as the British retreated to Boston. The rest is history.*



We stopped and had brunch at the Main Streets Market and Cafe in Concord, MA. The breakfast burrito was amazing, but so filling!


You don’t get this kind of history out West…


and then a quick trip to Lexington, MA…



and because I love shoes and cupcakes…

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I still can’t believe I live here. I can’t believe the sky is so blue and there’s still so much to explore. Yay! 10 walking miles down…a million more to go!


Much Love,
