friday favorites: pain relief products



Today, I thought I’d share my favorite products that I use when you can’t take your medication to ease your pain.


{1} KT Tape // {2} Foot and Hand Warmers // {3} Biofreeze // {4} Buddy Bear // {5} Bath Pillow

{1} I’ve mentioned several times how much KT Tape has helped me with an injury, but I haven’t really shared how much it’s helped during a flare. Is your knee flaring a little? Use KT Tape. Is your finger aching? Use KT Tape. Neck Pain? Use KT Tape. It might even make a great Halloween costume…I kid! 😉 But in seriousness…I love KT Tape.

{2} I love the Carex Foot and Hand Warmers. I received mine as a gift and use them a lot in the winter to help keep my extremities warm! I also like taking out the heat wraps and placing them on other areas of pain like my hip and quads.

{3} I only started using Biofreeze recently, but I really like it. I love the peppermint smell and the roll-on feature is perfect to prevent any unnecessary spills in my purse or gym bag.

{4} Isn’t Buddy Bear so cute? I may be 30 but I still have a sweet spot for anything cute and cuddly. Did you know that he heats up in the microwave or can be placed in the freezer for a cooling effect? If you have children with chronic pain like arthritis, tummy aches or ear aches…get him ASAP. He soothes and brings joy to all ages and is a great companion for bed.

{5} If you take frequent baths to ease your pain without the use of medication, then you know a bath pillow is a must! I love this three layer bath pillow because it provides comfort for my head, neck, and upper back…the most uncomfortable spots in a bath.

I use all of these products frequently and find great relief from them! You can purchase these items too by clicking on the links under the images; I am not compensated in anyway if you do! What products do you use? Let me know in the comments below or let me know via Facebook or Twitter. I think the more we share with each other, the more we can ease our pain!

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Life lately…

It’s been a long two weeks. No motivation to write or create. I still have my Rome pictures to share and some small cities in Italy that I just absolutely adore. However, its requiring a little more work than the other posts because I ran out of room on my iPhone and Mr. P had to capture all of those pictures. Aye!

So, I thought I’d do a life lately post in the interim. I’m still here. Sort of. 🙂

2014-05-22 15.19.06-1

Reading… nothing really. I’ve been driving every day to work, which has worked out great for my workouts, but not so good with my reading commitment. I need to get my Massachusetts drivers license so I can rent free audio books from the public library. Any suggestions??

Watching… well, a lot. It’s a sad fact of life when you get food poisoning on Saturday night and your long weekend is ruined. We watched the movie “Impossible” which I highly recommend for the amazing script, film cuts, and plot development. It had me on my toes the entire time! For TV, we just finished “Once Upon A Time” first season and all of the season finales like “Grey’s Anatomy”, “Scandal”, and “The Good Wife”.

Anticipating… my doctor appointment with Dr. Ortho next Tuesday. I can’t wait for my next step. I ran on my ankle twice last week and I put myself back two weeks. So, I wont be doing that again!

Working on…putting the saying “Let Go and Let God” into action. Its something my grandmother would tell me all the time and it’s something that I lean on during hard times.

Making me happy…carrots. I don’t know why, but they do. That and animal crackers. Oh and getting rid of ugly wallpaper, pretty flowers, and fluffy cats.

Loving… KT Tape.I bought some for my injury and I love it! I really appreciate the YouTube videos because they have a great library on many injury types and they are very well done. If you have an injury or a joint that needs support but your ACE bandage is too much, try the tape. It’s a bit expensive – $13 for 20 strips…but well worth it!

Thinking about… how I can exercise without my ankle. Tonight, I’m trying Yoga and The Bar Method DVDs. Hopefully I have a solution!

Frustrated with… the fact I wont be running my first 10k. I was really looking forward to it!! I hate feeling trapped. Stuck in my body and not having any control. WHO SAID THIS WAS OKAY? I turned 30 and I fell apart. HAHA…just kidding. Sort of. I’m okay, really. I just want answers so I can FIX it.

That’s it. How’s your life lately? Any books or movies you’d recommend? What frustrates you?

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